
What Are the Signs of a Rebellious Teen? Find Out Here


Signs of a Rebellious Teenager

Teenagers usually seem to show rebellious behavior with their parents during their teenage years. They try to figure out their identities and have independence in their actions and decisions. They ignore the rules and boundaries set by their parents. They try to get along with their parents and discover their interests and passions. It's quite normal for them, for all teens, to pass through such a phase of life. It can be just a normal rebellion or a serious problem. So, to deal with a rebellious teenager better, you should be aware of the signs of normal rebellious behavior that every teenager goes through. In this article, we will share 10 signs of teenage rebellion and why are teenagers rebellious.


    The teenagers are trying to become self-independent, so they may seem to disrespect their parents and teachers. They challenge the authority of their parents, teachers, and elders. This is just a normal teen behavior. For their development to adulthood, they become mature and don't let anyone interfere in their matters. So, when teachers or parents advise them, they may feel bad and not accept it, and they may show disrespect or rude behavior.

    Emotional Changes

    Actually, the teens are not emotionally mature. They are learning to bring their emotions under control and how to handle their feelings. So, they undergo a lot of mood swings and emotional disturbances. Due to these things, teenagers may be tricky for their elders or parents and caretakers. They, most of the time, have sudden mood swings and anger outbursts. And elders may find this behavior an odd thing. But it's normal for teenagers to do this.

    Living on the Edge

    The teenagers like to take risks and practise new ideas.

    The teenagers try to explore new ideas and new things. They like to take risks and face what the worst can happen. It's a part of their learning. They may be involved in substance abuse, alcohol use, or fast and dangerous driving. It's a bad thing. And you should stop them from doing these and other extreme activities. But taking risks for some learning is good for the teenagers to explore new areas of life. However, taking the type of risks that I mentioned is not good for them. You should teach them about the good and the bad risks that what they can do and what they can't do.

    Distancing From Family and Old Friends

    Teenagers often deal with sadness, anxiety, and depression. They seem to have no interest in the activities around them or in their family or friends. The family or friends whose company they enjoyed a lot now look to be withdrawn from them. They are distant from their old and true friends. They spend time in a new company and practice new ideas. They don't care what is happening to them because they are sad and stressed. Finding no interest in the world around them and being withdrawn from family and friends matters is not uncommon for teenagers. But you can make them learn how they can handle this and why is it important. 

    Struggling in School

    Due to the emotional swings and physical and mental changes in this period of life, teenagers struggle at school. The grades that they usually obtain may decline. You see a decrease in their school performance. They don't take any interest in their schoolwork. Skip classes and don't care about the results. You should make them aware of how education is important for them. Plus, helps them in dealing with the problems they face in school(work).

    Changing Up Their Look

    A girl with modern look

    As teenagers move from pre-teen to teen, along with other changes they may also change their look. It may be adopting new hairstyles, clothing choices, tattoos, etc. This is to explore new areas of life and check what suits their personality. They also follow the trends of their fellow teenagers and what their friends and fellows are doing. And they may not follow your guidelines regarding these things and do their fashion. Allow them to do such things within certain limits and boundaries.

    Privacy and Secrecy

    The teenagers also start keeping their things private from their parents and elders. They don't share everything that they used to. They keep their ideas, plans, adventures, and future goals private and don't let their parents know about it. They don't share their personal information with their family. They may also lie about the activities they do and the people they spend their time with. So you should give them a space and allow them to have privacy and secrecy within certain limits.

    Arguing More Than Usual

    They argue more which the mature ones don't. They look at the other side of the decisions of the elders and family. They apply critical thinking to their decisions, and they are also developing the perspective and point of view that they can hold in their life. It's part of their identity exploration. So they challenge ideas and decisions and standards set by you and the society. As a result, they can be able to explore what suits their personality and what thoughts and perspectives they have to keep throughout their life.

    Losing Interest in Hobbies

    A sad teenage boy

    No interest in the hobbies, activities, sports, or clubs that they loved and enjoyed. During the teenage years, there is a lot of mental stress on the teenagers. It may be due to the school or their identity exploration. They find out what is right or wrong for them. They are maturing. In childhood, they may be interested in some hobbies, or sports, but now they are trying to become mature and lack interest in hobbies they loved to do. These things are part of their learning and maturation phase. Let them do it and it's not a big problem to address.

    It's normal until kept in the limit but if they are severely sad or disheartened then you should focus on the real problems they are facing. Here are our guidelines to deal with a lazy and unmotivated teenager.

    Getting Angry or Aggressive

    Due to the stress, and emotional and physical changes, the teenagers may shout out and show aggressive behavior for their independence. If you force them to do the things they don't like, they will not accept it (until you convince them logically). So, they may shout at you and make threats to the family especially mothers and easy targets.


    The Last Say (Conclusion)

    These are the signs of a rebellious or troubled teenager. Until these behaviors are within a certain limit, then it is normal but when they exceed their limits then you should pay attention to it. You can seek professional help to help your teenager come out of the social and academic problems. You better know your teenagers how they were in the past and what changes they are facing in their teenage years. So, if there is extreme behavior then you should seek therapy or professional support.

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